RTFS Adventure2(Rayman The Fan Series) is a fan series interactive adventure game of Rayman. This is the second game in the series which will be divided in chapters, and the chapters will be separate. RTFS Adventure 2 takes off after the prequel.
Here is Chapter One: The Bog of Murk. The story continues as Rayman defeats Jano and as a reward for passing Jano's test, he receives a magic sphere. They are then deliberately teleported to the Bog of Murk. Rayman and Murfy are surprised to be there. There, Rayman meets an old friend and runs into the newly appointed "Mistress of Magic"- Begoniax. Begoniax is not pleased to see Rayman at all, and brings a new pet to play with him.
Hope you have a nice time playing chapter one. :)
Hope To See It :D